On May 10, 2019, there was a warm and euphoric reunion at iSBio. Around 70 former and current employees of the Institutes of Technical Biochemistry and Systems Biotechnology met for a major alumni anniversary.
In addition to celebrating more than 20 years of successful biotechnology research and education at the university, the 70th birthday of Elmar Heinzle was celebrated, who was professor of technical biochemistry (1997-2014) and remained connected as senior professor of the University later on. Attending: employees of the first hour as well as students and doctoral students from all following epochs of the institutes, who had not seen each other for a very long time, plus the current team - it was already laughed a lot at the beginning, and people enjoyed to exchange warm memories and rich experiences.
The President of the University, Univ.-Prof. Manfred Schmitt, delivered the congratulations of the University at an initial champagne reception and, in addition, presented interesting insights into the current situation at the UdS and their perspectives. He also emphasized the importance of networking with the UdS alumni. As a result, our biotechnology alumni are meanwhile active in responsible positions in industry and research at home and abroad. We are very pleased about many existing contacts and ongoing research collaborations with them at their new sites.
The meeting was accompanied by a Bavarian buffet, which offered something delicious for everyone. Later in the evening, Christoph Wittmann, 2013 professor of systems biotechnology since 2013 and previously habilitant with Elmar Heinzle (1998-2007), gave a humorous overview of the past 20 years. In the process, greetings from some beloved alumni, who work today in the USA and Asia and could not attend in person, were added via video. It was an exciting presentation with many memories - so it became very lively. For a long time the guests stayed together, the talks simply did not want to end. It was great and we are looking forward to the next time!
Photos: Impressions from the alumni meeting at iSBio (May 2019).