Institut für Systembiotechnologie

iSBio on TV: Aroma research broadcast in the science magazine Xenius

July 2, 2019

The ZDF spent a whole day in our laboratories in June to present our research on the fermentation of cocoa beans for its science magazine Xenius.

In this way we clarify the basics for the formation of taste in the production of chocolate - in which microorganisms play an important role, as they do when making cheese or yoghurt. We try to understand the aroma formation and find ways to improve it. Like a gigantic puzzle, we combine countless microorganisms and molecules with each other. At various stations, the camera team now recorded our research in the lab - an exciting experience that was a lot of fun. The article will be broadcasted on 2 July 2019 at ARTE as part of the Xenius program Cocoa: from beans to chocolate. The podcast will be available on the internet until September (Link).

To the show

To the video

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Photos: Impressions from the production (June 2019).